

bespoke solutions

I specialize in creating e-shops that fully meet the needs of your customers. With attention to detail, I conduct thorough market research and identify the target audience to ensure we successfully reach all customers. My work doesn’t stop with just design – I implement everything into the content management system to provide you with an easy to manage e-shop that helps you achieve your business goals.

Proven process

The way
to success

The process of creating an e-shop involves a comprehensive analysis of the market and customer needs in order to accurately identify the most effective strategies for reaching the target group and tailor it to the needs and preferences of customers.

market research

Detailed analysis of e-shops and product prices of local and global competitors.

Definition of
target group

Definition of the target group of customers according to data obtained for the total period of business.

Setting up a
customer journey

Data-driven analytics that help you build a more complete picture of your customers‘ behaviour.


In case of further specific requests from any of your company individual departments.


According to all the previous steps, I will create an elaborate graphic design of all pages.

into CMS

I will implement the approved design into the editorial system using the template and set up the function files.

Connection via API

shipping and payment

Shopping through reliable carriers and payment gateways implemented on my e-shops brings many benefits for customers and shop operators. Connected carriers ensure fast and secure delivery of goods and allow real-time tracking of shipments. Thanks to payment gateways, customers can make payments in different ways, which increases flexibility and convenience when shopping.

One-click payment

ComGate, GoPay,
Zásilkovna, PPL

Linking payment gateways like Comgate and GoPay to your e-shop brings a number of benefits for you and your customers. These payment gateways offer a wide range of payment methods, making your e-shop more accessible to customers of different preferences. This allows you to reach a wider market segment and maximize your sales potential. Another advantage is transaction security.

The parcel office and PPL have an extensive network of branches and drop-off points across the country, allowing customers to pick up their parcels at the location that is most convenient for them. Another advantage is the ability to track shipments in real time. Connecting with carriers allows customers to track the movement of their shipments from the time of shipment to delivery.

Automatic generation


Automatické generování faktur při vytvoření objednávky na e-shopu a propojení s fakturačním systémem jako je iDoklad šetří čas, minimalizuje chyby a zvyšuje efektivitu fakturačního procesu. Tímto propojením máte přehled o stavu fakturace a platbách v reálném čase, což usnadňuje správu účetnictví a financí. Profesionální vzhled faktur navíc posiluje důvěryhodnost značky a transparentnost v obchodních transakcích.


Wholesale / retail

price setting

The possibility of setting dynamic prices for wholesale and retail customers on the e-shop allows you to respond flexibly to their needs and behaviour, which increases competitiveness. This strategy supports the personalisation of offers, optimises market position and motivates higher orders.

Safe shopping


Complete security includes the use of SSL certificates for encrypted communication, software updates and regular data backups. It is also important to require strong passwords and protect forms with captcha to catch spam, two-factor authentication and traffic monitoring by connecting to a central control panel.

SEO a marketing

Setting up
advertising campaigns

Setting up advertising campaigns starts with identifying the target audience and setting goals. Then you need to create attractive content and select the appropriate platforms for advertising. Monitoring KPIs and continuously analyzing results to optimize campaigns is key. Linking to a dashboard allows for effective performance monitoring and quick response to changes.

SEO, Google,
Search Console

Before setting up an ad campaign, it's crucial to ensure on-page SEO is set up correctly and to set up integration with Google Search Console. Effective on-page SEO optimization helps improve your site's visibility in search results, which can reduce advertising costs and increase organic traffic. Thoroughly prepared content and optimized keywords can lead to better search engine rankings, bringing organic traffic without the need for paid advertising. Integration with Google Search Console allows you to monitor your site's performance in search results and identify keywords that bring in new customers, providing valuable information for content optimization and ad campaign targeting.